Herdwatch Blog

Buying in replacement breeding ewes

Written by Rachel Rose | 08-Aug-2024 11:16:39

When investing in replacement breeding ewes, ensuring you make informed and careful choices is crucial.From physical characteristics to disease prevention, every detail counts. Read on for some key steps to guarantee a healthy and productive flock, safeguarding your investment and future profits.

Physical characteristics:

When buying replacement breeding ewes, ensure to check the three T’s: teats, teeth, and toes. Additionally, consider the following:

  • Mobility: are the ewes walking well?
  • Jaw Alignment: check for under or overshot jaws.
  • Lameness: look for signs of lameness or previous treatments.
  • Size: ensure they are of adequate size.
  • Lambing History: if the ewe has previously lambed, check their teats for lumps.


Given the value of ewes, it's crucial to follow strict quarantine protocols. Quarantine bought-in sheep for a minimum of three to four weeks.

Don’t be afraid to ask the seller:

  1. Worms:
    • Assume sheep may bring in resistant worms.
    • Yard sheep for 24-48 hours and turn out to dirty pasture to dilute any surviving resistant worms.
  2. Fluke:
    • Check if ewes come from a high-risk area.
    • Ask the seller about previous treatments and any resistance.
    • Conduct faecal egg counts to check for exposure.
  3. Scab:
    • Determine the risk level of the area the sheep are coming from.
    • Dip or test two weeks after arrival if no clinical signs are observed.
  4. Lameness and Orf:
    • Inquire about routine vaccinations.
    • Run incoming animals through a foot-bath.
    • Watch for signs of Contagious Ovine Digital Dermatitis (CODD) and consult a vet if an outbreak is suspected.
  5. Vaccinations:
    • Check which clostridial vaccines ewes have received and ensure compatibility with your flock’s vaccines.
    • Ask about the presence of toxoplasmosis or enzootic abortion in the flock. Ensure susceptible replacements are vaccinated at least six weeks before tupping.

How Herdwatch can help

With Herdwatch, farmers can effortlessly record all aspects of their livestock medication, from administering treatments to keeping track of withdrawal periods. The app allows members to easily input information such as the type of medicine used, the dosage, and the animal it was administered to, streamlining the recording process.

In addition, Herdwatch automatically calculates withdrawal periods based on the medication administered, ensuring that farmers adhere to regulatory standards. This not only saves time but also ensures compliance with legal requirements.

Herdwatch also provides detailed reports and reminders, making it easier for farmers to manage their livestock health effectively.