Herdwatch Approved by Dept of Agriculture

It's official, Herdwatch has been approved by the Dept of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, to offer Calf Birth Registration and Herd Profile Synchronisation from compatible Smartphones, Tablets and

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Herdwatch Competition Winner presented with his iPad

Congrats to the lucky iPad and Herdwatch subscription winner Jerome O’Mahony, a Farmer from West Cork. Herdwatch Competition Winner Jerome registered his interest in the new FRS Mobile Herd Manager,

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Herdwatch on track for upcoming Release

Beef & Dairy Farmers: The Herdwatch Team is working very hard & is on track for an upcoming release before the end of the year, so you can look forward to having "Your Herd in Your Hand" very soon!

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Amazing response to Herdwatch Preview at Ploughing 2013

We are back from "The Ploughing", where 228,000 visitors came over 3 days, and it feels like we met you all! We had an amazing response to the Herdwatch Preview, with literally thousands of farmers

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