Getting suckler cows prepared for the breeding season

 Are you a Dairy Farmer? Click here to read about managing your dairy cows during the pre-breeding season.

Managing suckler cows during the pre-breeding period is very important to maximise your

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Managing dairy cows during the pre-breeding Season

Managing Dairy Cows during the Pre-breeding season

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Helen's Farming Week: Managing Pre-Breeding and Tending to Jobs on the farm

With calving over now and an improvement in the weather, it is giving us a great chance to get hay and silage saved

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Gearoid's farming week: Making use of a paddock system

For as long as I can remember, this has been one of the driest spells of weather from early April up until now.

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Gearóid's Farming Week: Getting the cows back in calf

Since my last piece a lot has been going on at the home farm, then again that's the case with most farms around the country.

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Breeding: Here is why you should record heat detections

According to Teagasc, the goal is to get 90% of cows served in the first 3 weeks of the breeding season.

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Tomás's Farming Week: Ploughing on with the Spring Barley

There’s been a lot of talk recently about all the technology that is coming online on Irish farms over the next few years

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Gearóid's Farming Week: Welcoming New Calves To Farm Life

Like many farms around the country, Farm life is hectic with many new arrivals putting added pressure on both the housing and slurry storage facilities.

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Helen's Farming week: Focusing on Prevention Rather Than Cure

Calving is in full swing at the minute with 22 cows calved and a Nitrates inspection in the middle of the hustle and bustle!

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